1. Experiments and practice of various analog circuits are possible only with this unit.
2. It is very convenient because it does not require soldering of the experimental circuit.
3. There is an AC voltage output terminal.
4. It has built-in frequency counter and oscillator.
5. Voltage and current can be measured by digital meter.
6. A cover is installed to prevent contact failure due to dust or foreign substances entering the bread board during storage.

1) DC Output: 3V, 5V, 6(0.7A),9V,12V,15V(0.4A) Dual Output 2) AC Output:
AC 30V CT (15V+15V) 100mA
3) AF Generator: 100㎐~10㎑ (2range ), Continually variable
                (Output frequency indicated by Digital Counter)
4) AF Output: 1 / 10V, (Decade Att. Control)
              Square 10Vp_p fixed
5) Output waveform: Sine and Square
6) Decade capacitor: 0.001㎌ ~ 0.999㎌ (3dial)
7) Programmable resistance: 1㏀ ~15㏀,10㏀ ~150㏀, 100㏀ ~1500㏀
8) Variable resistor: 1㏀, 100㏀ (2 EA)
9) Control switch: 1-Toggle, 1- Slide, 1-Push
10) Speaker: 8Ω, 1watt (max)
11) Frequency counter: 3 digit, INT / EXT switching
12) Protection Circuits: DC overload Alarm & Indication
13) Digital meter: DC current 20㎃ / 200㎃, 2 range
                   DC voltage 2V / 20V, 2 range
14) Bread board : Socket Tie-Point — 1260point
                          Bus Tie-Point — 300point
15) Front Panel : FR -4 (1.6t)
16) Input Power: AC 220[V],60[㎐]
17) Dimension: 130(H) × 390(W) × 270(D)㎜